Sharpen Your Tools

” He that would perfect his work
 must first sharpen his tools “
~ Confucius ~
Today is the second day of spring in the Chinese tradition, as they prepare for New Years. This is a time to clean the house, the office and your life!
Letting go and releasing what you no longer need opens the door for the new! In my Feng Shui practice I use a fun ” Clutter Recipe” to push out the old, and welcome the new. When you do this you are ” Sharpening Your Tools” to create success for 2010.
The Recipe:
Starting today Until New Years, February 14th
Re-arrange, throw away, or give away 27 items.
In doing this you will  have the opportunity to clean up your space, make room for new things, and enrich the people you give your treasures to.
If you miss a day, you will have to start all over.
Do not do this recipe if you are not committed to having the best year ever,
Those you who were born the year of the Tiger, The Snake, or The Monkey, it is a must.
Cleaning up your space, and releasing the old will support you in having a better chance at happiness this year.

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