Spring Into Summer 2016

The days are starting to get warmer and  ” Summer ” is just around the corner!!

 Time to give your space a lift!

Start by adding some colorful pillows to your bed,  and to the living room sofa. Use this years “It”colors like rose quartz, serenity blue , and  creamy yellow.



Change out our bed linens with some lighter fabrics, and some white candles will uplift the space.

In the kitchen, have bowls of lemons and oranges add the scent of citrus to your cooking environment.


Have fun with this process. In less than 2 hours, you can have a whole new space, and a lighter mood.

Enjoy this Video and use your imagination 

Afforable Fall Decor

As the weather get crispy, and the leaves start to turn, add some earth colors and items to your home decor. The element of earth is very grounding and will make us feel more comfortable in our homes and offices.

Just by adding the color orange or green to your space can uplift the energy, and it can make  you more productive in your office. Visit the local dollar store and pick up some vases and fill them with leaves and fruit, or you can  use ” faux” pieces and recycle them for next year.

You can also add  scent to the space by visiting the local Michael’s Store or Joanne’s  Store. You will find cinnamon scented pine cones for less than $5.00! Pop them into a basket, or place them in a tall cylinder vase with some apples, and enjoy apple pie without the calories. This can create a warm inviting space, ready for entertaining.

Empty Vessels = Empty Pockets

What you see on an everyday basis you become! Neuro-architecture is about how your space and objects affect you on an unconscious level. Your world is run by your unconscious. Isn’t time for you to do something about this?

If you’ve got an empty fish tank, or have decorative vases sitting out in your home, it’s time to change that. Having empty vessels or containers in your home conditions you to a type of poverty consciousness that will actively undermine your attempts to attract wealth and well-being.

If you have empty things in your home that you wish to keep there, consider filling them with something positive.

 For example, if you have decorative vases in your home, you can  commit to keeping fresh flowers or greenery, or you might consider filling them with polished sea stones and having decorative feathers/art/silk flowers for adornment. These are all symbols of wealth, and prosperity.

You can also put them away ! Place them in cupboards or pack them away until you are ready to fill them with something amazing!!

Feng Shui Your Holiday Tree

Where to Put the Tree?

In Feng Shui there are five natural elements that are brought into balance in order to establish harmony in our environment. The elements are Fire, Metal, Earth, Water, and Wood. When you consider a Christmas tree, you have all five, automatically present.

1. First you have the tree itself, which represents the Wood element.

2.Then, we add lights, or Fire to trim the tree.

3.The ornaments are Earth if porcelain or pottery, Metal if metallic.

4.The glass bulbs represent Water

Living plants are providers of fresh, vital chi, and a wonderful feng shui cure. This year, think of your Christmas tree as a powerful feng shui enhancement for your home! Good Areas of placements for “wood” in your home are:

  • Southeast or “Wealth” Area
  • South or “Fame” Area
  • East or Family Area


In the Tai Chi (center) of your home, A tree will fill your entire house with holiday cheer. This area is also associated with the color yellow, so use a golden-yellow tree skirt and a bright yellow star at the top of the tree. Your Christmas tree is a very strong wood “cure,” and when it’s covered with electric lights you’ve also got a lot of fire energy well supported by abundant wood

Afforable Fall Decor

As the weather get crispy, and the leaves start to turn, add some earth colors and items to your home decor. The element of earth is very grounding and will make us feel more comfortable in our homes and offices.

Just by adding the color orange or green to your space can uplift the energy, and it can make  you more productive in your office. Visit the local dollar store and pick up some vases and fill them with leaves and fruit, or you can  use ” faux” pieces and recycle them for next year.

You can also add  scent to the space by visiting the local Michael’s Store or Joanne’s  Store. You will find cinnamon scented pine cones for less than $5.00! Pop them into a basket, or place them in a tall cylinder vase with some apples, and enjoy apple pie without the calories. This can create a warm inviting space, ready for entertaining.

Spring Into Summer

Monday was the first day of ” Summer ” !! Time to give your space a lift!

Start by adding some colorful pillows to your bed,  and to the living room sofa. Use sherbert colors like raspberry, tangerine, and lemon yellow.

Change out our bed linens with some lighter fabrics, and some white candles will uplift the space.

In the kitchen, have bowls of lemons and oranges add the scent of citrus to your cooking environment.

Have fun with this process. In less than 2 hours, you can have a whole new space, and a lighter mood.

Kitchen Uncluttered

In Chinese energetics, the kitchen is where money is made. The chinese believe in order for you to have a good life, you must eat good food, so you can be productive in life. When you are productive you get paid. So if you have clutter going on in the kitchen, you could be blocking your wealth. Time to do your 27 items.